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Face care Day and Night

Face care Day and Night

Keeping the face in good condition requires a daily cleaning and hydration routine that is based on perseverance, the use of an adequate product and the correct application

How should the skin of the face be cared for?
The skin of the face demands a daily care that depends on three fundamental factors: to be constant, to use an adequate product and to follow the suitable steps 
In the care of the skin of the face there are, at least, three important aspects. The first must be constant . The second, it is necessary to go to a specialist to determine what type of product is best suited to the type of skin. And, the third, know the necessary protocol that must be carried out daily.
How many times do you have to wash your face with a cleanser during the day?
In both women and men, it is recommended to clean the skin a minimum of twice a day. By day, because we eliminate the possible waste toxins that we eliminate through the pores during the night. And, at night, even if you do not wear makeup. The most demanding professionals even recommend, specifically at night, cleaning twice in a row.

Do you have to put on moisturizer day and night?
Yes, because it is essential to maintain skin hydration, especially in mature or dry skin. Therefore, it is advisable to apply a product that seals the water in the epidermis, with a good moisturizer twice a day, at least.
Why is it so important to hydrate twice?
Twice a day would be the minimum frequency, which will depend on the type of skin, the hardness of the water, the temperature, humidity, wind, cold and other environmental factors.

Can not be with the same day cream that night?
With the passing of the hours, the skin loses water by evaporation and it is necessary to replace it with a cream. For that reason, it is interesting to use a cream during the day, to protect us from the sun, pollution, environmental conditions ... and, at night, when the skin starts up the repair mechanisms, a cream that helps restore it, repair, regenerate and nourish.
What ingredients do you recommend that you have the moisturizer?
There is a wide range of assets depending on the type of skin. If you had to highlight an active ingredient would be hyaluronic acid, for its moisturizing and redensifying ability in the skin and, AHA (alphahydroxyacids), because they give a lot of light, remove excess dead cells and unify skin tone.

Any simple technique to apply the moisturizer?
We recommend doing it with both hands ascending, starting from the chin and performing gentle massages, until it is distributed all over the face. Always from top to bottom and from the center to the outside. Avoid the eye contour, because it is a more sensitive area and more prone to allergies. We can also perform gentle pinches, which activate the micro blood circulation, provide "extra" nutrients and promote cell regeneration.
Can you make up after the day moisturizer?
Always apply a proper moisturizer under the makeup, as well we get it to fix better to the skin and last longer. The protocol would be: first, to clean and apply a specialized serum for our skin type; then, the day moisturizer and, finally, the makeup.
How many times do you have to wear the serum?
It is recommended to apply it day and night and choose different serum depending on the type of skin. The serum is always better absorbed and its composition is greater in assets, so it improves the action of the moisturizer that we apply next.
Do you have to use the eye contour twice a day or just one and before the night cream?
The area around the eyes, which is more sensitive, finer and dehydrates much more easily than the rest of the face, must be hydrated as many times as necessary. At least, in the morning and at night. And, always, with a specific product for this area free of perfumes.
How should it be applied?
The product for the eye contour is usually applied by light touches on the orbital bone, following counter-clockwise, deriving all the lymphatic fluid to the lacrimal, which is where the lymph nodes are. In case of wrinkles, it is best to apply throughout the orbicular area and, also very important, above the eyebrow, since the true "support" of the eye is above the eyebrow. It should not be applied either on the upper or lower eyelids.

How many days a month do you have to use a facial scrub and why?

Once a week, although the frequency may vary depending on the type of skin. The more greasy ones will require more uses and, the drier ones and / or sensible ones, they can use them less frequently.
Why is it so important to exfoliate the skin?
Because it helps to renew it, it eliminates dead cells and favors the penetration of the assets that we apply later, such as masks, creams ... It also gives it a more luminous appearance.
How many days per month do you have to put on a mask and why?
Once or twice a week. The masks can be moisturizing, firming, exfoliating, cleansing, illuminating, etc. It is a product designed to exert a profound action while we apply it.
Can you put a mask after the scrub?
The ideal is to apply the mask after the exfoliating, since the skin is receptive after exfoliation.
Can you put on the sunscreen after the day moisturizer?
Sunscreen should always be applied last in any beauty routine. Although the moisturizer has solar protection, it is more advisable to use a protector from 30 SPF. It is a very good idea to use one with color or make-up format, because that way we save a step and get a nice and lasting color.
Sunscreen, can replace the moisturizer?
There are moisturizers that already incorporate the sun protection factor. In winter, it is usually sufficient to use an SPF of between 15 and 20 and, in summer, higher protection factors of up to SPF50 + are used. And, on the other hand, there are sunscreens that have moisturizing, anti-aging and matifying properties.

To maintain a hydrated skin it is necessary to apply a lotion during the day and another at night
To keep a skin hydrated it is necessary to apply a lotion for the day and another one at night 


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