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How to make up at home?

Make up correctly is not an easy task and to do it correctly it is necessary to know your own face and its tones, in order to get the right products (Own)

How to make up at home?

The use of cosmetics goes back to the classic civilizations but even today many women have problems to paint themselves. What are the best tricks?

The Egyptians were the first to put on makeup, as shown by the tombs of the time. Cleopatra wore a red lipstick, which was made with the carmine of beetles. Later, the Greeks and the Romans imitated them, painting their faces with mineral powders and crushed stones. In the Middle Ages, this aesthetic trend fell into disuse and was more noble and was better seen having a pale face. At the beginning of the 20th century and until today, makeup became fashionable again. 

What is the function of the makeup base?
Match the tone of the skin and cover imperfections. Those with a matte finish are indicated for mixed-greasy skins and those with a luminous finish for normal-dry skins.
How does it apply?
A small amount of product should be placed in the palm of the hand. Then use a brush to apply the product with small touches on the face, starting from the center of it and towards the ends.
What foundation of makeup should be chosen according to the skin?
It should be the most similar to the color of the face. The best way to find the perfect tone is with the strip test : to do this, make a strip with the makeup base you want to try from the cheek to the jaw. If it disappears, you have found your perfect tone. In case of doubt, decide for the lightest shade, but you should bear in mind that the key to a makeup without imperfections is to blur.
What kind of basis do you recommend buying and why?
One that adapts by its texture to the needs and tastes of each person ( mousse , fluid, base with silicone ...) and, above all, that moisturizes the skin, which is the most important thing for a makeup to last.
How to use the concealer of dark circles?
It is used on parts of the face that need additional coverage. Apply with your fingers or a sponge, using small touches, based on makeup. It is preferable that it has liquid texture, because it facilitates its application.
Which corrector should you choose?
To correct spots and disguise pimples, you have to use a concealer the same shade as the skin. For dark circles, apply over the dark area and to the lacrimal area. If these are very deep, use a lighter shade than the skin itself. The yellow concealer is only used to cover redness on light skins.
How is eyeliner applied?
Draw a line flush with the tabs (lower or upper) of the desired thickness (thick or thin), with pencil (more defined) or shadows (more blurred).
What eyelash masks do you recommend to use?
The ideal is to choose a mascara according to the final result you want to obtain: there are some that provide definition, volume, water resistant and even lengthen the lashes.
What is your best application?
Curl the lashes first, gently pressing 10 seconds. Apply first at the tips and follow from the base and zig-zag up.
Which eye shadows are the most successful?
The mineral shades that include antioxidants. The neutral tones are applied throughout the eye and the lacrimal and serve as a basis to apply other colors. The dark ones are used to emphasize and give depth: they are applied in the crease of the eye and along the line of the eyelashes, being ideal also to create smoky effects. The diamonds are perfect to illuminate the lacrimal and the bone of the eyebrow. And, the most vivid colors are applied on the mobile eyelid and bring a change of look instantly.
How do you recommend applying lip makeup?
First, I would outline them with the lipstick, as this prevents the glossfrom coming off the lip. Also make up the corners, blurring even the center of the lip, so as not to create a contrast of color, in case the tone of the pencil and the lipstick are not the same. Then, with the desired lipstick, apply it by the center of the lip mixing with the pencil. And finally, the gloss -which can be the same color as the bar or transparent-, will be applied in the center of the lip to create the optical effect of thickness.
What areas should be highlighted from the face and how to do it?
The areas that are usually highlighted are lips and eyes. If we have small eyes and fleshy lips, we will enhance the lips as this will divert attention to them and vice versa. 
How to distribute makeup powders?
They are always applied with a brush, because with the tassel we compact the makeup and it does not look so natural. They should be placed after the base of the makeup. Depending always on the light that there is and the time: if it is in the morning, with natural light, tones equal to the skin; If it is at night and artificial light, one or two darker shades of the skin, since this way it will not look so clear.
Write down some essential makeup tricks that we do not usually take into account.
Apply a moisturizer before the base, because most people do not moisturize the skin before putting on makeup. Choose a good base, suited to our needs. And know how to use the lipstick correctly.
A recommendation that she makes to her clients, so that they are put on makeup depending on the color of the face, skin, hair ...
It is important that at the time of makeup is used or the same tone of the skin or a lower tone, to give more light, which is not suitable to go out at night, because it will make the skin look paler and look that you are sick

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